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8 Super Foods to Include & Avoid in Your Diet Chart for PCOD

According to a large-scale survey conducted across India in 2020, approximately 16% of women aged 20 to 29 reported suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome during their periods.

It is a prevalent endocrine condition that affects women's ovaries. The proper reasons are not known to date but a nutritional balanced diet can help reduce the symptoms. 

In this blog post, we'll look at the Indian diet chart for a women suffering from PCOD – covering 8 affordable foods to consume and avoid in your diet chart for PCOD, so you make educated dietary decisions.

No doubt, this balanced diet plan will help manage your PCOD symptoms, however, please note that individual reactions to nutrition might vary, so speak with a doctor or a qualified dietitian before implementing our food recommendation. 

What is PCOD?

Polycystic Ovarian Disease or PCOD is a hormonal disease that affects women throughout their reproductive years. Some "once-rare problems" have become increasingly commonplace in recent decades, particularly among women.

One of these is PCOD. This condition affects around 10% of all women globally. PCOD women skip their monthly periods due to hormonal imbalances, which makes it harder for them to get pregnant.

Common PCOD symptoms are excessive facial hair, acne, irregular or absent menstrual cycles, menstrual discomfort, skin discoloration, and so forth. The most effective strategy to alleviate the severity of these symptoms and treat PCOD is to adhere to a PCOD diet and exercise consistently.

Here are 8 affordable foods to include in your PCOD diet chart

1. Foods with high-fiber

Insulin resistance is common in PCOD, and integrating high-fiber foods into your diet will help stabilize blood sugar levels. Incorporate whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread, as well as legumes such as lentils and beans, into your PCOD diet plan for weight reduction.

Fiber-rich foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach should also be part of your regular diet.

2. Lean Proteins

Including protein in your diet might help you manage PCOS and thyroid. Choose lean protein sources such as fish, tofu, skinless chicken, and lentils. These nutrients not only boost muscular strength but also a sense of fullness, which reduces cravings for unhealthy snacks and helps to regulate blood sugar.

3. Unsaturated fats

Consuming healthy fats is necessary for good health, including hormone synthesis. Avocados, nuts (such as almonds and walnuts), and seeds (flaxseeds and chia seeds) are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

These are also included in the PCOD diet plan for vegetarians. They can help to reduce inflammation and balance hormones.

4. Low Glycemic-carbs

Choose carbs with a low glycemic index to help control blood sugar levels. This category includes foods such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, steel-cut oats, and whole-grain pasta.

They digest more slowly and have a gentler effect on blood sugar, providing long-lasting energy. They must be included in the PCOS diet chart for vegetarian weight loss. In addition to that, refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and sugary snacks, can produce rapid fluctuations in blood sugar levels, amplifying PCOD symptoms.

5. Fruits with antioxidants

Try eating fruits high in antioxidants such as Berries, cherries, and other colorful fruits, which can help fight inflammation and oxidative stress associated with PCOD. These fruits can safeguard your cells and aid in the body's natural detoxifying processes.

6. Green Leafy Vegetables

Kale, spinach, and broccoli are high in critical vitamins and minerals including vitamin K, folate, and iron. They should be included in a PCOS vegetarian diet plan since they promote hormonal balance and general wellness.

7. Natural milks

For women who are lactose intolerant or prefer non dairy products, fortified plant-based milks such as almond milk or soy milk are wonderful choices.

They give the required calcium and vitamin D without the potential negative effects of dairy products in PCOD.

8. Herbal Teas

Two herbal teas, spearmint, and green tea, may help manage PCOD symptoms. Spearmint tea is thought to contain anti-androgen properties, which can help lower extra male hormones that are commonly linked with PCOS. Green tea is high in antioxidants, and some studies show it may help improve insulin resistance and sensitivity. 

Here are 5 unhealthy foods to avoid in your PCOD diet chart

1. Ready-made Foods (junk foods)

Foods that have undergone extensive processing, such as sugary cereals, fast meals, and snacks, are frequently loaded with harmful fats and refined sugars.

These have the potential to cause weight gain, blood sugar spikes, and increased insulin resistance—all of which are serious treatment issues for PCOD.

2. Beverages with high sugar

It's better to stay away from fruit juices, energy drinks, and sugary soft drinks. They frequently include a lot of added sugar, which can raise blood sugar levels fast. To help control PCOS and thyroid diet, choose unsweetened drinks, herbal tea, or water to remain hydrated.

3. Foods with high sugary content

You should limit, if not completely avoid, the consumption of cakes, pastries, sweets, pizza and other sugary delights. Their high sugar content may cause abrupt changes in blood sugar levels.

4. Too Much Caffeine

While a modest amount of caffeine is usually harmless, too much of it can throw hormone balance out of whack. In your Polycystic Ovary syndrome and thyroid diet plan, it's best to restrict caffeine-containing drinks like coffee, particularly if you're sensitive to its effects.

5. Red Meat

A high red meat diet, especially one that includes processed meats like hot dogs and sausages, has been linked to a higher risk of PCOD. Select healthy fats and protein sources that are lower in fat, such as fish, poultry, and plants.

Here’s a sample Diet Chart for PCOD patients


2/3 pieces of brown bread, 1 low-fat cheese slice, and 2 boiled egg whites.

Mid-Morning Snack

Eat Apple slices with almond butter.


1 cup rice/3 rotis, Fish curry/Palak subji/chicken curry, ½ cup Quinoa salad with mixed vegetables.

Afternoon Snack

Hummus with carrot sticks and fruits like Apples.

Evening Snack

1 cup of green tea, a handful of nuts, 2 digestive biscuits/boiled channa, 1 slice of fruit (Banana, Mango, or Chikku).  


2/3 rotis/1 cup Brocken wheat upma, steamed broccoli, and sweet potatoes with baked salmon, 1 tablespoon of low-fat curd, ½ cup of leafy salad. 

Note: Please try your variations to have a yummy diet chart. We also recommend you visit your doctor/ dietitian for a personalized diet plan. 

Wrapping up

In this blog post, we’ve discussed the strategy to manage Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOD), with proper diet (nutrition) being a key component. Choosing foods that improve insulin sensitivity, lower inflammation, and hormonal balance can help ease symptoms. The offered diet chart provides useful options so that you may make educated decisions. 

Still, a nutritious diet is insufficient on its own. Optimizing outcomes and improving quality of life can be achieved by combining food guidelines with other lifestyle modifications including consistent exercise, stress reduction, and enough sleep.

We advise you to consult with your doctor before making any significant changes to your lifestyle.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can a diet be the only way to control PCOD?

No, in addition to balance diet, regular exercise, and other healthy lifestyle modifications like getting enough sleep and mental health, can help manage cure PCOD symptoms.

Q2: Are there any dietary supplements that are effective for PCOD?

Supplements having components such as B vitamins, including folate and B12, are some of the best for treating PCOD.

Q3: How long does a PCOD diet take to show results?

Usually, it takes 5-7 days to recover from PCOD, but it depends on the physical state of the individual.

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