Should you eat curd during periods

Can we eat curd during periods? We have an Answer

Empowering women with knowledge is akin to nourishing the roots of resilience. As Maya Angelou once wisely said, 'Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women.' 

Periods are a natural part of life, but they can also cause discomfort. Among the many questions that swirl in the minds of women during periods is 'Can you eat curd during periods?'

This blog answers everything you need to know about eating curd on periods, and its benefits. We will also try to uncover if it helps in irregular periods or painful periods.

Can we eat curd during periods?

Yes! You can enjoy your bowl of curd during your periods. Curd's probiotic properties can help to reduce bloating and other digestive disorders. A bowl of curd is highly enjoyable after meals during the hot summer. Fresh curd is said to provide comfort and make you feel better. 

As per the studies published by National Library of Medicine, females in some parts of India adhere to stringent food rules while they are menstruating. For instance, during their period, people usually abstain from eating sour foods like pickles, tamarind, and curd.

However, there is no scientific evidence to that.

Infact, adding Dahi or Yoghurt to your diet makes you feel better! It can make you feel relaxed and eases muscle pain during painful periods.

It also provides the required nutrients to your body. While there are plenty of myths and age-old beliefs related to the same, you shouldn’t believe them at all. 

Probiotic helps in digestion during menses

Benefits of having Curd during the menstrual cycles

1. Cardiovascular health is improved

Curd, as previously stated, aids in the management of high blood pressure in an indirect manner. It contains magnesium, which is beneficial to people who have high blood pressure. Yogurt also contains calcium, which aids in muscle contraction, which is beneficial to the heart muscles.

2. Eases Menstrual pain and cramps

Curd (yoghurt) is prepared by bacterial fermentation. It is extremely useful in easing period cramps and pain. You can have it in the form of smoothies, milk, energy drinks and lassi, which helps you to regain your energy level real fast.

This also helps enhance healthy gut bacteria. You can also sprinkle some sugar on top of it and enjoy it. Another popular way to consume is by preparing buttermilk.

3. Hydrates the body

Curd during menses helps in hydrating the body and replacing the lost nutrients. Your body will feel nourished after the consumption of curd.

Since you're fatigued during this time of the month, you can have curd to bring back the lost nutrients. Notably, curd also comes with probiotics, which improve gut health.

If you suffer from PMS symptoms, such as mood swings and bloating, then I highly suggest you have curd in the form of buttermilk or lassi if you don’t enjoy having it directly.

best time to have curd during your menstruation

Side effects of eating curd during periods

There aren't generally significant side effects associated with consuming curd during periods. Some women might experience mild discomfort or changes in digestion during prolonged periods. It may be noted that many women can consume curd without any issues during their menstrual cycle.

If someone has lactose intolerance or a dairy allergy, they might experience digestive issues such as bloating, gas, or diarrhea. 

If you are more sensitive to dairy products during your periods, then you may experience changes in digestion or mild discomfort.

What ayurveda says about eating curd

Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine. In Ayurveda, curd is considered a wholesome and nourishing food. According to Ayurvedic studies, curd is known for its cooling properties. It is often termed suitable for balancing excess heat or acidity in the body. It is often added as a part of a balanced diet. Individuals with a cold or cough may want to eat curd in moderation - Ayurveda principle suggests. 

What are some foods to avoid during periods?

It is always suggested you eat food that is healthy. Here are some foods to avoid during menstruation. 

  1. Highly processed and sugary foods
  2. Reducing coffee intake
  3. Fatty and fried foods
  4. Dairy Products
  5. Sweets and sugary snacks
  6. Carbonated beverages
  7. Avoid Alcohol during periods

Does eating curd help in period cramps

Yes, eating curd may help reduce period cramps for some women. Curd is rich in calcium. It helps in muscle relaxation and potentially reduces cramps. The probiotics in curd also helps enhance the gut health. 

Fact: Curd helps in hydrating body during your periods

Considering all of these, should we eat curd or avoid?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some people believe that eating curd during your period can help to ease cramps and other symptoms, while others believe that it can make symptoms worse. Ultimately, the best way to determine whether or not eating curd is right for you during your period is to experiment and see what works best for you. If you still have doubts, we would suggest you get in touch with your family doctor for a quick consultation. 

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FAQ on having curd on your periods

Q.1: Can curd delay periods?

Ans: No, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that curd can delay menstrual periods. Menstrual cycles occurs due to hormonal changes in your body. Curd does not have a direct impact on the timing of periods. You should always eat healthy foods and avoid junk, and keep yourself active. 

Q.2: Does curd reduce period pain?

Ans: Some women find relief from menstrual cramps by including curd in their diet. The calcium and probiotics in curd may help relax the muscles which may ease painful periods.

Q.3: Does eating curd help in irregular periods?

Ans: Irregular periods can be caused by various factors such as hormonal imbalances, stress, or changes in weight etc. Rather then blaming curd, we recommend you visit a doctor and get evaluated.

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