hibiscus tea benefits in periods

Hibiscus Tea Benefits: Natural Relief for Period Cramps

Imagine this - you're settled cozily on the sofa, relishing a steaming cup of hibiscus tea, surrounded by its comforting aroma. With each sip, you enjoy the harmonious blend of flavours and the vibrant crimson colour that dances in your cup. But did you know that this delightful concoction holds more than just a delicious taste? In this blog post, we get on a journey to unravel the wonders of hibiscus tea, with a special focus on its benefits for women during their menstrual cycles.

Let's begin by demystifying hibiscus tea.

What is Hibiscus sabdariffa tea for?

Hibiscus tea, or "Gudhal ki chai" as we lovingly call it in India, is not just a delightful beverage but also a treasure trove of health benefits. It is a herbal infusion made from the dried petals of the hibiscus plant, scientifically known as Hibiscus sabdariffa. This enchanting flower has been an integral part of our culture for generations, deeply rooted in Ayurvedic traditions and revered for its healing properties.

Beyond its cultural significance, hibiscus tea has gained recognition worldwide for its remarkable health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, this ruby-coloured elixir helps to boost our immune system, protect our cells from damage, and promote overall well-being. In traditional Ayurveda, it is believed to balance our doshas, particularly Pitta dosha, fostering a harmonious equilibrium within our bodies.

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Hibiscus tea benefits for Periods

Ladies, when it comes to our menstrual cycles, we understand the discomfort and challenges we face. But fear not, because hibiscus tea, can be a wonderful ally during these times. Here are some of the incredible benefits that hibiscus tea offers to support our well-being during periods:

1. Regulating Menstrual Cycle

Gudhal ki chai has been traditionally used to promote a regular menstrual cycle. Its natural properties help in balancing hormones and ensuring a smoother flow, allowing us to navigate our cycles with greater predictability and ease.

2. Alleviating Cramps

Those dreaded cramps can sometimes feel unbearable, but hibiscus tea comes to the rescue. It possesses natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that may help in reducing the intensity of menstrual cramps, providing much-needed relief.

3. Managing PMS Symptoms

Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) can bring mood swings, irritability, and bloating. Gudhal ki chai can be our go-to remedy during this time. It may help in easing PMS symptoms, calming our emotions, and reducing bloating, allowing us to feel more balanced and comfortable.

4. Reducing Bloating and Water Retention

We've all experienced that uncomfortable bloating and water retention during our periods. Hibiscus tea acts as a gentle diuretic, aiding in reducing bloating and excess water retention, making us feel lighter and more at ease.

5. Hormonal Balance

Hormonal imbalances can disrupt our menstrual cycles and lead to various discomforts. Gudhal ki chai has been used in traditional practices to restore hormonal balance naturally, supporting overall reproductive health.

6. Boosting Iron Absorption

Iron deficiency is common among women during their periods, leading to fatigue and weakness. Hibiscus tea contains vitamin C, which enhances iron absorption from plant-based sources, helping us maintain optimal iron levels.

7. Easing Fatigue

The combination of heavy bleeding and hormonal fluctuations can leave us feeling drained and fatigued. Gudhal ki chai's rejuvenating properties, coupled with its iron-boosting effects, can help combat fatigue, ensuring we stay energized and revitalized.

 hibiscus tea benefits during periods

Health benefits of Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea not only tantalizes our taste buds but also offers a plethora of other potential health benefits, making it a cherished addition to our wellness routines. 

Let us now dig into the land of its other general health benefits.

1. Aiding Digestion

Gudhal ki chai has been traditionally used to support digestive health, easing indigestion, bloating, and acidity. Its gentle yet effective properties help in promoting a healthy digestive system, ensuring our meals are comfortably enjoyed.

2. Boosting Immunity

The antioxidants present in hibiscus tea help strengthen our immune system, protecting us from common ailments. By sipping on this vibrant infusion, we can fortify our bodies and enhance our natural defense mechanisms.

3. Nurturing Heart Health

Studies suggest that hibiscus tea may aid in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. With every sip, we take a step towards nurturing our heart and overall cardiovascular well-being.

4. Managing Weight

For those on a weight management journey, Gudhal ki chai can be a supportive ally. Its natural properties may help in promoting a healthy metabolism and assist in shedding those extra pounds when combined with a balanced diet and exercise.

5. Uplifting Mood

The act of savoring a warm cup of hibiscus tea can be a therapeutic experience. It has been known to possess mood-enhancing properties, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and promoting a sense of calmness and tranquility.

6. Supporting Liver Health

Our liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying our bodies, and hibiscus tea may aid in supporting its optimal functioning. By incorporating this herbal infusion into our routine, we contribute to the overall health and well-being of our liver.

7. Enhancing Skin and Hair

The antioxidants and nutrients found in hibiscus tea offer benefits for our skin and hair. Regular consumption or topical application of hibiscus tea can promote a youthful complexion, strengthen hair follicles, and add shine to our tresses.

8. Hydrating and Cooling

In the scorching heat of India, a refreshing cup of chai can provide much-needed relief. Its cooling properties hydrate our bodies and help us beat the sweltering summer days.

How to Prepare Hibiscus Tea

Now that we are aware of the numerous health benefits of Gudhal ki chai, let's learn how to prepare this invigorating herbal infusion right in the comfort of our homes. Follow these simple steps to enjoy a cup of refreshing hibiscus tea.


  • 1 tablespoon of dried hibiscus petals (Gudhal ke phool) or Hibiscus Tea Bags or Tea Powder
  • 2 cups of water
  • Optional: sweetener of your choice, such as honey or jaggery

Pour the water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Once the water reaches a rolling boil, add the dried hibiscus petals to the saucepan. Reduce the heat to low and let the hibiscus petals simmer in the water for about 10-15 minutes. This will allow the flavours and beneficial compounds to infuse into the tea.

After steeping, carefully strain the tea into your cup or teapot, discarding the hibiscus petals. Adjust the strength and sweetness of your hibiscus tea according to your preferences. You can also experiment with adding other ingredients like a squeeze of lemon or a dash of cinnamon for a unique twist.

Side Effects of Hibiscus Tea

While hibiscus tea is generally safe to consume, it is important to be mindful of certain precautions and potential side effects. If you are taking any medications, especially those for blood pressure or hormonal balance, it is advisable to consult with your doctor before regularly consuming hibiscus tea, as it may interact with certain medications. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also seek doctor’s advice, as hibiscus tea may have effects on hormone levels and blood pressure.

Though rare, some individuals may experience allergic reactions to hibiscus tea. If you have a known allergy to hibiscus or related plants, it is best to avoid consuming hibiscus tea to prevent any adverse reactions. It is also worth noting that hibiscus tea has a mild laxative effect, which can promote healthy digestion.

However, excessive consumption may lead to loose stools or an upset stomach, so it is important to consume it in moderation.

Frequently asked questions

Q1: Is hibiscus tea good for PCOS?

Ans: Yes, hibiscus tea is good for PCOS. In fact, it is a great way to help regulate your period and reduce symptoms. PCOS is an endocrine disorder that affects how your body processes hormones particularly estrogen which leads to irregular periods, or no periods at all.

Q2: Can hibiscus start period?

Ans: Hibiscus can definitely help with period-related symptoms like cramps and bloating. It's also great for PMS because it has high levels of vitamin C, which helps regulate hormone production.

So yes! Hibiscus tea can encourage your period. In fact, drinking hibiscus tea regularly is a great way to help your body prepare for menstruation.

Q3. Is hibiscus good for female fertility?

Ans: Hibiscus is not just good for female fertility—it's actually a superfood! Hibiscus tea has been used for centuries to help with menstrual cramps and heavy bleeding, and it's even thought to help balance your hormones.

In summary

As we sip on our cups of Gudhal ki chai, let us appreciate the harmony it brings to our bodies and minds. Whether it's soothing menstrual cramps, supporting our digestion, boosting our immunity, or promoting a sense of calmness, hibiscus tea has shown us the power of nature in nurturing our overall well-being. 

Cheers to a healthier, happier, and more harmonious life with Hibiscus tea!

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Its super good. Has normalisesd my bp

Virginia kamau

Wawu now no more suffering with menstrual pain hibiscus is my weapon to fight it away

Miss keera

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