Does Amla Juice delay Periods

Does Amla Juice delay Periods: The Truth Behind this Myth

Amla juice is a sour, green juice made from Indian gooseberry. It is often used as a home remedy to delay periods and has been touted as a natural way to regulate menstrual cycles. Some believe that amla juice can also help to improve overall reproductive health, increase fertility, and even treat PCOS.

While there is some anecdotal evidence to support these claims, there is very little scientific research on the topic. That said, amla juice does offer a number of nutritional benefits that could be beneficial for women's health.

When it comes to periods and India, it is still a stigma and there are various myths related to it. Some believe that Amla Juice can delay periods while others claim that it has other health benefits. So, what is the truth?

Let's find out!

Nutrients in Amla Juice

Amla is a fruit that is native to India, and its seeds are used for medicinal purposes. The fruit and its juice contain vitamin C and E, as well as Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, and Calcium. It also has high levels of antioxidants. 

Likewise, Amla Juice contains many vitamins such as Vitamin A & Vitamin B. The Anti-oxidants in Amla Juice help in the prevention of cancer and heart disease.

Amla is known to flush out the toxins and make you feel refreshed. It is consumed for more reasons than one. It also regulates the period cycle and helps in hormonal balance. It has multiple health benefits and is a good source of several minerals.

Nutritional Value of Amla Juice

Is Amla Juice good during Periods?

Amla juice is packed with Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B2, which can be beneficial if you have a heavy flow and want to give your body some nutrients. Amla or Indian gooseberry is known to have a great effect on skin and hair as well.

As it contains high doses of Calcium and Iron, that is why it is recommended to drink healthy juice throughout the month. Do not just limit consuming 2-3 fresh amla during your menstrual cycle.

Include this food in your diet and witness changes in your energy levels as well. Vitamin C will enhance your nervous system and immune system.

It also is great for your acne-prone skin. It also has Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B6. As you already know, copper is essential for your blood vessels and heart, and brain, which is also present in amla.

A shot of amla juice or fresh amla pieces can keep the doctor away!

Recommended Read: Can we Eat Curd During Periods?

Benefits of Amla and its Juice

Amla also contains manganese which enhances metabolism, bone formation, immune response, reproduction, and more. Potassium also helps with cell function. Gooseberries are low in calories too, which is a piece of great news if you are a fitness freak and are picky about your daily diets.

It is high in fibre, which should be an essential part of everyone's diet. You can eat a decent portion without any guilt if you are not in the mood to make yourself a shot of juice. It is a nutritious snack as well and great for managing menstrual pain.

Many people enjoy having dry amla with salt as well as it is a tasty snack. Amla is rich in antioxidants. It fights premature ageing as well. It greatly reduces the chances of developing cancer, type 2 diabetes, brain disorders and heart diseases. Also, as we have mentioned earlier, it works for menstrual pain or cramps.

Health benefits of Amla

Amla helps Regulate your Menstrual Cycle

Amla is known to treat irregular periods. If you have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), amla juice can do wonders for your body. Amla juice is known to improve mental health and cure hormonal imbalance. Having Amla regularly brings our menstrual cycle back to normal. If you are not sure if you can drink amla juice in periods or not, head over to our detailed blog.

Amalaki or Indian Gooseberry has healing properties and there is no doubt about it. It is a powerhouse of rich minerals and vitamins and can be taken in the form of juice, raw fruit or powder (Churna), Candy, etc.

As per Ayurveda, amla helps to balance Apana Vata (Downward flow). It also strengthens the uterus. If you want to conceive sometime soon, take your amla seriously.

Does Amla Juice really delay periods?

There is no scientific evidence that says drinking amla juice helps to delay periods. In fact, you should take it as it is highly beneficial for irregular periods and heavy menstrual cramps.

If you face period pain or irregular periods quite often, it is recommended you prepare a glass of amla juice at home. 

How to prepare Amla Juice in your kitchen

It is a pretty simple recipe that has been there since our grandmother's times. After all, the age-old recipes come to the rescue when modern medicines fall short. It gives you an energy kick instantly.

Use 5 Indian gooseberries, a decent amount of jaggery or honey, 300 ml chilled water, and salt to taste.

  1. Cut the whole Amla fruit into small pieces and get rid of the seeds.
  2. Blend it in a mixer and add some water to it. 
  3. Take it out, and add some more water along with honey or jaggery.
  4. Serve chilled and enjoy the delicious juice.

Once you have made it, you can refrigerate it to consume it over the next few days.

Benefits of Amla Juice

Other benefits of Amla Juice?

Here are a few additional benefits of Amla juice other than regulating menstruation and relieving yourself from period pain.

Amla Juice to Reduce stress

Let's start with the very basic - Stress.

Stress and modern-day lives go hand in hand. Rather than popping those pills, you must try Amla Juice which is natural and healthy. It has several health benefits, this being one of them. 

Amla Juice helps to manage Diabetes

The soluble fibre in the fruit dissolves in your body, which in turn absorbs sugar. Control the sugar spikes with Amla berries. People with Type 2 diabetes and issues with lipid counts must intake the juice.

Amla Juice for Weight Loss

Yes, you are on a diet and still being able to reduce weight. Obesity can also come from PCOS. If you do not control it now, it can lead to diabetes, joint pain, and other diseases. Keep your gut health and improve your metabolism with Amla juice.

Good for hair

Amla juice is also good for hair loss. It stimulates hair growth. Hair loss can occur due to a bad lifestyle, dandruff, poor diet, etc. It has high doses of Vitamin C, phosphorous, iron, and tannins that also control hair fall to some extent.

Witness stronger and beautiful hair with amla juice. You can even mix it with other superfoods like bottle gourd (also known as Lauki) and have it. A natural ingredient that is available in the kitchen for great hair growth.

Amla also prevents grey hair. It is an excellent hair conditioner as well! You will see several influencers talking about the same. 

Amla Juice for skin

As mentioned earlier, Amla juice is great for the skin. It prevents premature ageing and skin issues like wrinkles, dark spots, and fine lines.

You can mix it with Aloe Vera to make it more delicious and palatable. Amla is also good for fighting the cold. Drinking amla juice can improve your skin texture over time.

Reducing Cholesterol levels

Amla juice is great for cholesterol levels. You need to aid the blood purification process with gallic acid, ellagic acid, etc., which are there in amla.

Other Amazing Health Benefits: Amla is also good for eye health, acidity, liver function, sexual life, and more.

Did you Know these Facts about Amla Juice

If you have poor memory, try having amla. Drinking amla juice is always recommended for people suffering from hypertension. 

Side Effects of Amla Juice or Indian Gooseberry

One of the side effects of Amla juice is that it may cause diarrhoea. A few others may be heartburn and nausea. Prolonged use may result in liver damage as well as kidney stones.

The recommended dosage for amla juice is 2-4 tbsp. every morning with honey or lemon juice. On the other hand, you can take amla along with a cup of warm milk at night to get better sleep.

FAQ: Amla Juice for regulating menstruation

Q: Is it good to drink amla juice during periods?

A: Yes, It is recommended if you want to ease your period cramps in a natural way. 

Q: Does Vitamin C delay your period?

A: Vitamin C pushes out toxins from the body. There is no scientific evidence to show that vitamin C can influence your menstrual cycles.

Q: Are there any side effects of amla juice?

A: No! You can drink amla juice without any worries. However, have it in moderation and be sure that you don't have allergies to amla. And if you have undergone any surgery, you shouldn't have amla during or after your surgery.

Q: What is the best time to drink Amla Juice?

It is always good to drink Amla Juice in the morning before you start your day because it helps improve the quality of your skin, hair and nails.

To put it all together

Amla is undoubtedly a superfood and it has been there in our culture for years now. You can drink amla juice in various ways and improve your overall health. You can even start your day with amla juice or amla berries. The best part is that you can easily include it in the diet. 

Start making glass for yourself now and forget about irregular periods, heavy menstrual flow, mood swings, lethargy, delayed periods and period cramps during your menstruation.

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1 comment

Am very happy to come across this fruit

Elizabeth Paintsil

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