जीवन शैली

does sex delay periods

Does having sex delay your period? (Myths vs Re...

Menstruation and sex have a direct relation if we’re talking about unprotected sex (intercourse). But if someone’s using proper protection, the chances of irregular periods are unlikely.  Although this question...

Does having sex delay your period? (Myths vs Re...

Menstruation and sex have a direct relation if we’re talking about unprotected sex (intercourse). But if someone’s using proper protection, the chances of irregular periods are unlikely.  Although this question...

what is retrograde menstruation - causes and symptoms

Experiencing painful sex? You could have retrog...

If you’re experiencing severe pain during sex or period cramps aren’t going down – it could be an early symptom of Retrograde menstruation.  Although sex and periods are two taboo...

Experiencing painful sex? You could have retrog...

If you’re experiencing severe pain during sex or period cramps aren’t going down – it could be an early symptom of Retrograde menstruation.  Although sex and periods are two taboo...

yoga for irregular periods

Yoga for Irregular Periods you must try today

Our bodies usually follow a natural pattern, like the changing seasons. But sometimes, the rhythm of our periods can get a bit off. Before we jump into the helpful world...

Yoga for Irregular Periods you must try today

Our bodies usually follow a natural pattern, like the changing seasons. But sometimes, the rhythm of our periods can get a bit off. Before we jump into the helpful world...

avoid period leaking at night

6 Ways to sleep during your period to avoid lea...

Imagine a night of peaceful sleep, free from worries about leaks during your period. We've all been there, feeling a bit anxious about staying dry while catching some Zs. Dealing...

6 Ways to sleep during your period to avoid lea...

Imagine a night of peaceful sleep, free from worries about leaks during your period. We've all been there, feeling a bit anxious about staying dry while catching some Zs. Dealing...

Which yoga is best during periods

6 Best Yoga during Periods for Cramp Relief and...

Menstruation brings along discomforts, including cramping and mood fluctuations. Yoga, a technique that not only encourages physical fitness but also helps with mental balance, and provides solace for many women....

6 Best Yoga during Periods for Cramp Relief and...

Menstruation brings along discomforts, including cramping and mood fluctuations. Yoga, a technique that not only encourages physical fitness but also helps with mental balance, and provides solace for many women....

itching before period

Why Am I Itchy Before Period? Causes and Relief...

Have you ever found yourself in a perplexing pre-period dilemma, wondering, "Why on earth am I feeling like a human scratch-and-win ticket right before my period?" If you have, then...

Why Am I Itchy Before Period? Causes and Relief...

Have you ever found yourself in a perplexing pre-period dilemma, wondering, "Why on earth am I feeling like a human scratch-and-win ticket right before my period?" If you have, then...